

  我们知道SCI刊物覆盖医学类期刊,其中护理类期刊也有很多本,这里介绍两本容易发表的护理类SCI,分别是《American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine》和《Intensive care medicine》,发表护理类SCI论文很多人不知道如何投稿,作者可点击在线客服咨询,期刊杂志社的投稿渠道和方法。


  SCI护理类期刊《American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine》,研究领域: 危重护理、呼吸道疾病。该杂志 在 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE (危重病护理) 同类期刊中的影响因子排名第 1 位;该杂志 在 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (呼吸学) 同类期刊中的影响因子排名第 1 位。

  SCI护理类期刊《Intensive care medicine》,研究领域: 危重护理、重症监护病房,该杂志 在 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE (危重病护理) 同类期刊中的影响因子排名第 3 位。简介:"Intensive Care Medicine" is the publication platform for the communication and exchange of current work and ideas in intensive care medicine. It is intended for all those who are involved in intensive medical care, physicians, anaesthetists, surgeons, pediatricians, as well as those concerned with pre-clinical subjects and medical sciences basic to these disciplines.



文章名称: 容易发表的护理sci

文章地址: http://www.qikanvip.com/write/44950.html