《欧洲有机化学杂志》(2017 ISI影响因子2.882)发表了合成有机化学、生物有机化学和物理有机化学全谱的完整论文、通信和微评论。以下期刊已合并成两种主要期刊:欧洲有机化学杂志和欧洲无机化学杂志:李比希年鉴比利时化学公司公报法国化学学会公报意大利化学杂志荷兰化学工程简编化学年鉴化学编年史葡萄牙化学杂志ACH-化学模型波兰化学杂志
The European Journal of Organic Chemistry (2017 ISI Impact Factor 2.882) publishes Full Papers, Communications, and Minireviews from the entire spectrum of synthetic organic, bioorganic and physical-organic chemistry.The following journals have been merged to form two leading journals, the European Journal of Organic Chemistry and the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry:Liebigs AnnalenBulletin des Sociétés Chimiques BelgesBulletin de la Société Chimique de FranceGazzetta Chimica ItalianaRecueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-BasAnales de QuímicaChimika ChronikaRevista Portuguesa de QuímicaACH—Models in ChemistryPolish Journal of Chemistry
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