Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje

Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje期刊基本信息

  • ISSN:1848-5189
  • IF值:0.109
  • 是否OA:No
  • 年文章数:
  • 审稿速度:
  • 平均录用比例:

Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje中文简介


Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje英文简介

CroatianJournal of Education (CJE) isan international peer-reviewed academic journalintended for scientists fromall fields of education and related sciences. CJEaccepts for publication onlyscientific research papers which are originalprimary publications, i.e. paperswhi ch have not been previously published inany journal (previous publicationin Conference Proceedings has to bespecified). Thus, having been accepted byreviewers, the papers published in thejournal contribute to the scientificcommunity.Croatian Journal of Education publishes research and professional paperswhichdirectly or indirectly reflect the topics related to academic theoreticalandapplied disciplines both in Croatia and abroad. The editorial board aimsforCJE to be a place where scientists from different disciplines, but withstudiesthat are closely related to education, will be able to publish theresults oftheir scientific research as well as professional and theoreticalstudies.

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