医学上的补充疗法主要针对卫生保健从业者,包括全科医生、护士、物理治疗师和补充治疗师。它发表各种各样的文章- -初级研究、评论和意见文章- -对正在寻求关于补充疗法的客观和关键信息或希望加深对这些方法的理解的传统或补充医学的从业者具有相当大的吸引力。
Complementary Therapies in Medicine is aimed primarily at health care practitioners including GPs, nurses, physiotherapists and complementary therapists. It publishes a variety of articles - primary research, reviews and opinion pieces - and has considerable appeal to practitioners of conventional or complementary medicine who are seeking objective and critical information on complementary therapies or who wish to deepen their understanding of these approaches.
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