Sexual Development

Sexual Development期刊基本信息

  • 简称:SEX DEV
  • 大类:生物
  • 小类:发育生物学
  • ISSN:1661-5425
  • IF值:2.25
  • 周期:Bimonthly
  • 是否SCI:SCIE
  • 是否OA:No
  • 年文章数:39
  • 审稿速度:>12周,或约稿
  • 平均录用比例:较易




Sexual Development中文简介


Sexual Development英文简介

Recent discoveries in experimental and clinical research have led to impressive advances in our knowledge of the ?genetic and environmental mechanisms governing sex determination and differentiation, their evolution as well as the mutations or endocrine and metabolic abnormalities that interfere with normal gonadal development. Sexual Development provides a unique forum for this rapidly expanding field. Its broad scope covers all ?aspects of genetics, molecular biology, embryology, endocrinology, evolution and path?ology of sex determination and differentiation in humans and animals. It publishes high-quality original research manuscripts, review articles, short reports, case reports and commentaries. An internationally renowned and multidisciplinary editorial team of three chief editors, ten prominent scientists serving as section editors, and a distinguished panel of editorial board members ensures fast and author-friendly editorial processing and peer reviewing.

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