Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience

Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience期刊基本信息

Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience
  • 大类:医学
  • 小类:神经科学
  • ISSN:1294-8322
  • IF值:4.867
  • 年文章数:36
  • 审稿速度:
  • 平均录用比例:

Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience中文简介

《临床神经科学对话》是一份季刊,旨在为临床神经精神病学和神经科学之间提供最新的信息和对相关临床、生物学和治疗方面的独到见解。每一期都针对一个特定的主题,编辑委员会会邀请作者。所有稿件均由编辑委员会成员审查,并提交专家顾问进行同行审查。索引在MEDLINE,索引Medicus, EMBASE, Scopus,和爱思唯尔生物基地。公共医疗中心完全开放。

Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience英文简介

Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience is a quarterly publication that aims to serve as an interface between clinical neuropsychiatry and the neurosciences by providing state-of-the-art information and original insights into relevant clinical, biological, and therapeutic aspects. Each issue addresses a specific topic, and authors are invited by the Editorial Board. All contributions are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and submitted to expert consultants for peer review.Indexed in MEDLINE, Index Medicus, EMBASE, Scopus, and Elsevier BIOBASE.Full Open Access on PubMed Central.

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