International Journal of Economic Theory

International Journal of Economic Theory期刊基本信息

  • ISSN:1742-7355
  • IF值:0.25
  • 是否OA:No
  • 年文章数:
  • 审稿速度:
  • 平均录用比例:

International Journal of Economic Theory中文简介


International Journal of Economic Theory英文简介

The International Journal of Economic Theory (IJET) publishes original articles for international audiences in all fields of economic theory. Specifically it covers: applied macroeconomics theoretical macroeconomics general equilibrium theory international economics microeconomics game theory mechanism design behavioral and experimental economics development economics industrial organization mathematical methods for economics public economics and welfare economicsIJET aims to be a leading outlet for theorists' work. An international board of editors is determined to reduce editorial turnaround time and encourage submissions of the highest quality. It also intends to encourage the work of young researchers who are not yet established in the profession. IJET is supported in part by Interdisciplinary Project towards Building Evidence-based Society, MEXT and Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University.

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