Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny

Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny期刊基本信息

Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny中文简介

节肢动物系统学和系统学是昆虫学的继承者,以前由德国德累斯顿动物学博物馆出版。每年有三期。个别论文可在印刷版之前以电子方式发表。节肢动物分类学、形态学/解剖学、系统学(分子生物学或形态学)、历史生物地理学和古生物学是节肢动物分类学的研究领域。发表于节肢动物系统学与系统发育杂志的论文(eISSN 1864-8312(在线);ISSN 1863 - 7221(印刷版)是免费的,可以下载。

Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny英文简介

Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny is the successor of Entomologische Abhandlungen, formerly published by the Museum of Zoology Dresden, Germany.There are three issues per year. Individual papers may be published electronically prior to the print version.Research fields covered by Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny are the taxonomy, morphology/anatomy, phylogeny (molecular or morphology-based), historical biogeography and palaeontology of arthropod taxa.Papers published in Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny (eISSN 1864-8312 (online); ISSN 1863 - 7221 (print) are freely available and can be downloaded.

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