是荷兰、比利时及其全球影响力的领先学术期刊。该杂志发表关于低地国家历史上广泛和重要问题的研究,并寻求在更广泛的比较和国际背景下这样做。BMGN - LCHR致力于为年轻学者和知名学者提供最好的历史研究。该期刊涵盖了所有的历史分支学科,涵盖了自中世纪以来的每一个历史时期。它接受荷兰语和英语的投稿。
The Indian Economic and Social History Review has been a meeting ground for scholars whose concerns span diverse cultural and political themes with a bearing on social and economic history. It is the foremost journal devoted to the study of the social and economic history of India, and South Asia more generally.
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