西班牙心脏病学会的官方出版物《心脏病学期刊》(Rev Esp Cardiol)出版与心血管疾病有关的研究。论文以西班牙文出版,以纸质版出版,电子版以西班牙文和英文出版,电子版可在互联网上找到。常规栏目包括报道临床或基础研究的文章、简短的交流、评论文章、社论和给编辑的信件。
Revista Espa?ola de Cardiología (Rev Esp Cardiol), the official publication of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, publishes research related to cardiovascular diseases. Articles are published in Spanish for the paper edition and in both Spanish and English in the electronic edition, which is available on the Internet. Regular sections include articles reporting clinical or basic research, short communications, review articles, editorials and letters to the Editor.
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