Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology期刊基本信息

Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
  • 大类:医学
  • 小类:耳鼻喉科学
  • ISSN:1808-8694
  • IF值:1.603
  • 是否SCI:SCIE
  • 是否OA:Yes
  • 出版地:BRAZIL
  • 年文章数:98
  • 审稿速度:偏慢,4-8周
  • 平均录用比例:容易

Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology中文简介

《巴西耳鼻喉科杂志》发表了耳鼻喉科及相关领域(颅颌面部手术和听力学)的原创性文章。 该期刊的目的是对耳鼻喉科学有趣的科学生产的国家和国际传播,以及在社论中对科学,学术和专业相关主题的讨论。《巴西耳鼻喉科杂志》杂志诞生于《耳鼻喉科复苏》,它是2005年由麦德林创作并编制索引的英文版。这是巴西耳鼻喉科和子宫颈面部手术协会的官方科学出版物。它的缩写标题是braz j otorhinolaryngol.,应该用在书目、脚注、书目参考文献和条列中。

Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology英文简介

Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology publishes original contributions in otolaryngology and the associated areas (cranio-maxillo-facial surgery and phoniatrics). The aim of this journal is the national and international divulgation of the scientific production interesting to the otolaryngology, as well as the discussion, in editorials, of subjects of scientific, academic and professional relevance.The Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology is born from the Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, of which it is the English version, created and indexed by MEDLINE in 2005. It is the official scientific publication of the Brazilian Association of Otolaryngology and Cervicofacial Surgery. Its abbreviated title is Braz J Otorhinolaryngol., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.

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