

  Seventeenth SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium

  April 24-28 2010

  Renaissance Hotel, Tulsa, Oklahoma

  SPE 129965

  Application of the Multiwell Productivity Index-Based Method to Evaluate Interwell Connectivity

  D. Kaviani, SPE, U. of Calgary; P.P. Valkó, SPE, Texas A&M U.; and J.L. Jensen, SPE, U. of Calgary

  Numerous studies have concluded that connectivity is one of the most important factors controlling success of improved oil recovery processes. Interwell connectivity evaluation can help identify flow barriers and conduits and provide tools for reservoir management and production optimization. The multiwell productivity index (MPI)-based method provides the connectivity indices between well pairs based on injection/production data. By decoupling the effects of well locations, skin factors, injection rates, and the producers’ bottomhole pressures from the calculated connectivity, the heterogeneity matrix obtained by this method solely represents the heterogeneity and possible anisotropy of the formation. Previously, the MPI method was developed for bounded reservoirs with limited numbers of wells. In this paper, we extend the MPI method to deal with cases of large numbers of wells and open reservoirs. To handle open reservoirs, we applied some modifications to the MPI method by adding a virtual well to the system and by modifying the pore volume. We applied the modifications in two nonvolumetric systems where there was either a leaking zone or an isolated zone, and found the approaches using the virtual well could predict the reservoir performance accurately. In cases with large numbers of wells, the required computational time to calculate the heterogeneity matrix may make the problem intractable. Therefore, we applied a model reduction strategy based on the location of the wells, called windowing. This technique ignores the parameters that have smaller effects on reservoir performance. We applied windowing to two cases with large numbers of wells (16 and 41 wells). We observed that, by selecting the proper window size, we can predict the reservoir performance accurately (R2 values greater than 99%) and decrease the CPU time up to a factor of 20 for the studied cases. The approaches described enabled us to provide realistic interpretations of interwell connectivity for complex cases where the simple MPI method would be difficult to apply. Integration of these approaches with the MPI method can quickly and efficiently model field data to optimize well patterns and flood parameters.


  译自 SPE 129965 第17次SPE提高原油采收率座谈会


文章名称: 应用基于多井生产指数的方法评价井间连通度

文章地址: http://www.qikanvip.com/lunwen/zonghelunwen/2012/0613/2262.html