
  《PHYSICS OF FLUIDS》(简称POF),聚焦气体、液体、复杂或多相流体力学领域,主题多样,发表原创理论、计算和实验类型的文章。当前影响因子稳步上升,年发文量激增到3000多篇,吸引了众多学者的关注。






  发文国家:中国大陆 2144,美国 928,印度 677,英国 338,加拿大 310,法国 288,德国 241


  Manuscript Order

  • Your manuscript should be arranged in the following order: Title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract, text, conclusion, supplementary material section, acknowledgments, author declarations section (conflict of interest, ethics approval, and author contributions), data availability statement, appendixes (if any), and references.
  • All pages should be numbered consecutively.


  • Displayed equations should be punctuated, aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered on the right-hand side.
  • Multi-line continued equations should have the operator placed at the beginning of the next line.
  • Except for scalar products of vectors, use “x” and not a center dot.
  • A solidus (/) should be used for built-up fractions in text and in displayed math.
  • Math font use should be consistent throughout the paper.
  • For complicated exponents, use “exp.”
  • Notation needs to be clear and consistent with standard use.


  • Footnotes to the title should be set as a “Note” above affiliation footnotes.
  • Footnotes to the affiliations should be labeled as a), b), c), etc.
  • Footnotes in text are not permitted. You can either add that information into the text or in the references list.


  • All figures should be embedded in the text. Follow the information in the Preparing Your Graphics section.
  • Figures should have a caption and be cited in text and numbered consecutively, i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc.


  • Tables should be embedded in the text.
  • Tables should have a caption and be cited in text and numbered consecutively, i.e., I, II, III, etc.
  • Footnotes in tables should be labeled as a), b), c), etc.
  • Units should be noted in column headings.
  • If using bold font to emphasize table data, include an explanation, i.e., “Boldface denotes…”
  • Unaltered computer output cannot be accepted.


  • A descriptive title should be added to the Appendix heading.
  • If you have more than one Appendix in your paper, label them as “Appendix A,” Appendix B,” etc.
  • Equations in the Appendixes are numbered according to the Appendix. Equations in a single Appendix, or an appendix labeled “Appendix A,” are numbered as (A1), (A2), etc. Equations in following Appendixes are numbered according to the Appendix label, i.e., (B1), (B2), (C1), (C2), etc.
  • The numbering of figures and tables in an Appendix continues the numbering in text.


  • All references should be cited within the text.
  • Adequate information should be provided on the reference list for the reviewer and readers to access the information.
  • References can appear in one of these three formats:
    By number – present the names of the authors, the journal, volume, page number(s) and year, as in: 19F. Hernandez, H. Wang, D. Dubrovski, and L. Blum, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121(9), 080401 (2022). (This paper will be listed as the 19th on the reference list. It can be cited in text as Ref. 19, superscript 19, or Hernandez et al.19)
    In alphabetical order – according to the first author’s last name, the article title, journal name, volume, first and last page, and year, as in
    Hernandez, F., Wang, H., Dubrovski, D., and Blum, L., “Advances toward a universal fault-tolerant quantum computer,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 121(9), 080401 (2022).
    By number and alphabetical order – numbering references on an alphabetical-order reference list and citing them by their number in the text.

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文章名称: PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 期刊论文格式要求
