



  1、knowledge, opinions and experiences of researchers regarding ethical regulation of biomedical research in Benin: a cross-sectional study

  2、New setup for basic radiobiology studies using a 3 MV TandetronTM: Design and developments

  3、Biobanking: A foundation of life-science research and advancement

  4、Distributed Big Data Storage Infrastructure for Biomedical Research Featuring High-Performance and Rich-Features

  5、MOSBRI- A New European Research Infrastructure for Molecular Biophysics

  6、Do biomedical researchers differ in their perceptions of plagiarism across Europe? Findings from an online survey among leading universities

  7、Cryobiology and Biopreservation: Essential Science and Technology Thriving from Fundamental Research to Biomedical Applications.

  8、Indirect Enantioseparations: Recent Advances in Chiral Metabolomics for Biomedical Research

  9、An introduction to spatial transcriptomics for biomedical research

  10、Going Beyond Bibliometrics: A system to track the progress and impact of biomedical research funded by Susan G. Komen.

  11、A Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Biology: Developing Systems Thinking through Field Experiences in Restoration Ecology.





文章名称: 基础生物医学研究英文论文选题

文章地址: http://www.qikanvip.com/gdfr/63281.html