

  ei期刊所收录的文献,涵盖了工程技术的所有方面,具有综合性强,资料来源广,地域覆盖面广,报道量大,报道质量高,权威性高的特点。而在 EI上发表的论文,一般都是需要提前发表,留足够的时间进行修改,来完成相应的成果。这里就汇总部分应用数学ei期刊举例


  Advances in Applied Probability

  Applications of Mathematics

  Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis

  Applied Mathematical Modelling

  Applied Mathematics and Computation

  Applied Mathematics and Optimization

  Applied Mathematics Letters

  Applied Numerical Mathematics

  CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics

  Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

  Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics

  Computational Optimization and Applications

  Discrete Applied Mathematics

  Discrete Mathematics and Applications

  European Journal of Applied Mathematics

  IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics

  IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications)

  International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, MMET

  Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology

  Journal of Applied Logics

  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing

  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

  Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems

  Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics

  Journal of Mathematics in Industry

  Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences

  Ei期刊简单的可以划分为国内版和国外版,国外的EI期刊主要有两种检索类型,一种是ja检索,一种是ca检索,简单的说,就是EI的会议和EI源刊。相比之下, EI会议的实力要弱一些。以上推荐的都是ei源刊,国内的ei期刊也基本都是ei源刊,无论什么领域,都是高水准的一类期刊。




文章名称: 应用数学ei期刊列举

文章地址: http://www.qikanvip.com/gdec/63736.html