

  因为 SCI上的文章价值很高,所以很多学者都会将自己的论文刊登在 SCI上。然而, SCI期刊对于论文的审查非常严格,所以想要发表一篇论文,也是一件很困难的事情。Sci期刊一直以来都是非常严格的,无论在什么情况下,都会进行严格的审查。那么电磁场专业论文发sci是匿名评审吗?


  SCI论文的审稿,主要取决于作者的要求,以及 SCI期刊采用的审核方式。根据小编的了解,大多数sci期刊都是匿名评审,国际sci期刊的同行评审主要有三种情况,一种单盲审,一种是双盲审,一种是开放审核,不同的期刊审核方式不同,要看具体的期刊。一般来说,sci论文在发表论文的过程中,都会采取匿名形式,以保证学术的公平性。

  其实,对于 SCI论文的审稿,我们也不需要太过担心,他们只需要保证论文的质量、重复率、创新度等都能达到 SCI标准,那么无论采用何种方法,最终的结果都是一致的。相反,如果你提交的 SCI论文没有达到你想要的标准,那么你就会被拒稿。


  Application of Magnetic Fields to Weld Overlay Cladding to Improve Its Performance in the Oil and Gas Industry

  There are increasingly more aggressive hydrocarbons, as they have high contents of hydrogen sulfide/carbon dioxide, under conditions of high pressure/high temperature. For driving these aggressive hydrocarbons, one of the most cost-effective solutions is the coating and cladding on conventional carbon steel using a corrosion-resistant alloy. The overlay is one of the methods used for the application of this cladding. However, among the main problems of this method is the dilution and micro-segregation, which causes a decrease in corrosion resistance and its subsequent failure. In this work, the application of the gas-shielded metal arc welding process with the interaction of electromagnetic fields of low intensity is proposed to overcome or at least minimize these problems. API X60 was used as base material and 316L as overlay. The interaction of the magnetic field (MF) with the molten metal causes the temperature to become homogeneous, induces grain refinement




文章名称: 电磁场专业论文发sci是匿名评审吗

文章地址: http://www.qikanvip.com/SCIlw/62397.html